About Me
I overcame my own physical adversity of a chronic hip and knee problem. At one stage I was told I may never surf or run again. The people that made it possible for me to get where I am today (surfing, running, climbing mountains, snowboarding, mountain bike riding, lifting weights and enjoying moving) are a core inspiration of why I do what I do. To empower someone to do the things they love, whether it’s professional level sport, lifting up their children, being able to walk to the shops or anywhere in between, is such a rewarding thing and that’s why I chose to invest my time into working with people’s physical health.

I am genuinely passionate about improving people’s lives through exercise rehabilitation and I really enjoy the work.
My Career
I have a Bachelor of Science majoring in Sport Science and minoring in Exercise and Health and a Graduate Diploma in Exercise Rehabilitation. I have worked as an Exercise Physiologist in a wide variety of conditions. I am now working under my own business, MB Exercise Physiology, as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist.
I have treated many, many different clinical conditions. From helping strengthen a man’s leg following a knee replacement, to helping a lady to have the confidence to get back into gardening after a heart attack. From helping a boy with cerebral palsy to be able to play soccer better with his friends, to helping a veteran to get into an exercise routine to help his mental health. From helping someone with a chronic back injury to be able to walk, to helping state netballers to decrease their risk of knee injuries and improve their strength and power. It is a great thing to empower someone to improve their health, I look forward to helping more people with this.
I have always held high integrity in what I do, and I have always wanted to do my best. At the end of my Graduate Diploma in Exercise Rehabilitation at the University of Western Australia I received the Tracy Cawson Prize. The Tracy Cawson prise is awarded for the best ethical work practices and high academic achievement, accompanied by demonstrated ambition, and to the student who is deemed as having the greatest potential to succeed in the area of exercise rehabilitation.
My work
Exercise Physiology is all about exercise rehabilitation. It is about how we can use movement to improve health. It is well known that exercise is good for you and the scientific evidence on just how good exercise is for you is incredible.
Unfortunately, injuries do happen, there are neurological disorders and with age the risk of diseases such as respiratory diseases, cardiac disease and cancer all increase.
Exercise is such an accessible tool to look after your own health and such a powerful tool in improving health. There’s great value in using an expert in exercise rehabilitation to guide you in your exercise routine and how best to move to be healthy.
In today’s day and age, we are very inactive compared to what we as humans are made for. I see great potential for positive change in the way we move, how much we move and our health because of this. I am based in Geraldton, Western Australia, where I provide Exercise Physiology services. I am excited to help people in Geraldton to move better, feel better, recover from injury, prevent chronic diseases, and improve their quality of life.